Sharpening capture one pro 12 free. Why CaptureOne default set Sharpening-Threshold to 1?

Sharpening capture one pro 12 free. Why CaptureOne default set Sharpening-Threshold to 1?

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The BEST Way to Sharpen Your Photos in Capture One | FUJIFILM X Raw files.


Capture One has a wonderful interface and is highly customizable. Then we have the viewer in the center, the browser to the left by default on the right , and the toolbar at the top, which also contains the cursor tools.

The tools are divided into tool tabs for different categories of tools. The exposure tab contains tools for adjusting exposure, brightness, and contrast. With the little magnifying glass icon the details tab include s sharpening and noise reduction tools.

Noise reduction. The noise reduction control works in tandem with the sharpening, and in a moment I will show you why. Capture One adds a specific sharpening amount according to the camera model used, and this step is actually intended to counteract the inherent softness of digital capture, including anti-aliasing, diffraction, and the subsequent interpolation or demosaicing process in Capture One.

Dal ho sempre fatto convivere nel mio zaino sia il sistema reflex tradizionale Canon, sia il sistema mirrorless Fuji; prima con la piccola X10…. Fujifilm mm, a wonderful compact super telephoto lens! Just like Lightroom, C1 reproduces the basic Fuji color profiles pretty well, but neither includes other proprietary processing that occurs in-camera such as custom tone curves, diffraction correction, film grain, shadow and highlight recovery, NR, sharpening, color chrome effect etc.

I don't use them often, and I don't shoot jpegs, but I have compared some of Adobe's Fuji sims and they look reasonably close to my eye. Adobe's own profiles do vary quite a lot from camera to camera, some of which look truly awful. I use custom tweaked profiles for all my cameras. Swapping them back and forth, the mid tones look just a tad cooler in the jpeg, but they are otherwise nearly identical.

SOOC Provia jpeg. I used to use HyperUtility for a long time. And then using LR, now C1 will bring new stuff to learn. I probably need to learn C1 from the very beginning. All these tools basis should be similar, but I need to make sure I am really start adjust the raw file from the "origin". Few months before I never noticed the sharpness as an issue.

These days I took more pictures of cat, but can get sharp eye and fur. Then I notice the Jpg is sharper then raw in C1. Thanks Truman, I did some test for different parameter also. I got different config suit me too. However, the setting brings more granular in the background which I may like it. Now I am quite interested in structure setting. Maybe it is more easy to use structure only. Sony has just released a trio of impressively small, light, ultrawide lenses for APS-C. These lenses are designed for vloggers, so Chris decided to film himself and find out how they perform.

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Submit a News Tip! Reading mode: Light Dark. Login Register. Best cameras and lenses. Started Nov 1, Questions. Why CaptureOne default set Sharpening-Threshold to 1? Nov 1, I found CaptureOne will initial a default setting in Sharpening config, they are: Amount: Radius: 0. This is default setting, threshold is 1 I change to 0, it's sharper. Reply to thread Reply with quote Complain. Erik Baumgartner's gear list: Erik Baumgartner's gear list. Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain.

Additionally here's an article also explaining the sharpening tab. Wayne, I haven't looked at the video that yayatasorus has mentioned above but I will. Basically adjust whatever you want to give the image you want.

Thanks, yayatosorus. The video makes it clear. Now I know the function of sharpness of CP1. Thanks for your input, Erik. Now I got really confused for following term: 1. No way? How many default settings has been applied by CP1? Thanks for reply, RetiringGuy, I didn't use structure before, and it's seems easier than sharping settings.

I didn't do detail check, but there are still other setting differs between jpg and raw. It will be quite difficult for me to check all settings every time when opening new raw files.

That is amount: radius: 0. Truman Prevatt's gear list: Truman Prevatt's gear list. Mizkit17's gear list: Mizkit17's gear list. Wayne, The major reason you are seeing differences in Capture One default settings between when a jpeg image is selected and when a RAW image is selected is just that. If you don't like the settings that C1 applies by default then just change them. Look at what yayatosorus and Truman have said below for more useful info.

It's good option for me. I will try it. F Forum M My threads. You may also like. Hands-on with the Fujifilm XF mm F5. Workflow and performance. Wireless tethering. Tethered Capture. Customizable workspace. Keyboard Shortcuts. Copy Adjustments. PSD round-trip support. Capture One Live. Transform Transform your workflow with these new time savings tools. Lens corrections. Auto rotate. Details Process the highest quality RAW files with the sharpest details. And minimize distortion and light fall-off thanks to custom lens profiles.

Clarity and Structure. Output Proofing. Simulated Film Grain. Noise Reduction. Explore the full feature list. See all features.

